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Old Computer Software Magazine Promotional CD Rom

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 9:18 am
by MojoConan
Hey All- I asked this same question about a couple years ago, but no one knew, so i figured i'd try again: Sometime around 1994 or 1995, my brother bought some computer software magazine that came with a cd-rom of a bunch of demo and full dos games. I can't remember the name of the magazine, but the cd itself is a huge yellow smiley face.

Anyway, there was a game on there that i really enjoyed, but i don't think i ever knew the name. It was a space adventure game that was kinda like Solar Winds, but much more goofy. You were the captain of a space ship and your objective was to search the galaxy and help different planets become industrialized while running errands for different planets' governments. It involved mining from one planet and giving the proceeds to another planet and things like that. It was a lot of fun and I would really appreciate it if anybody could tell me if they think they know the game or the name of the magazine that carried the smiley face cd-rom.

Thanks A lot!