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Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 2:13 pm
by John The Ax
People, only post after following this advice. If it doesn't work afterwards, then post here.
Who cares?
Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2002 9:47 pm
by webmaster from hell
What do you care? What does anybody care? That is the question.
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 12:50 pm
by John The Ax
Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2002 4:41 pm
by Dogbreath
Very cooth and suddle as always, I notice...
The reason why we care is that we dislike having people posting questions that have already been answered as that just means we have to give the same answer over and over. That would waste space. So, instead we decided to have a 'read before you post' thread to answer your questions thus making it so that some of the time we can solve your problem before you post it! It matters a great deal to some people.
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2003 1:07 am
by nastypoisonspikes
Oh yeah, and make sure you put a relevant topic title for you post, not something like "new guy needs help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" because then we don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Posted: Sat May 01, 2004 1:07 pm
by Dogbreath
If you're running Windows XP/2000/NT or can't seem to get the game to run at all in Windows, and have already followed the above tips, you may want to try dosbox before posting here. dosbox is a hardware/software emulator that essentially emulates a computer the speed of a 386 running DOS and may be your only option with incompatible machines. It can be found on the <html><a href=> Essential Utilities</a></html> page of .
Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 6:34 pm
by Wally
IF Dosbox Fails to run your game
PM me As i am the master of getting games to work
PM me the URl of where you downloaded the game and the name of it too..
and your problem with the Game
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 11:07 am
by Guest
Lots of (helpful) stuff about getting games to work on XP and late generation OSs.
Why not a stickied post on ME and other middling systems? Something explaining EMS and "base memory" and so on.
Posted: Mon May 10, 2004 2:50 pm
by John The Ax
Hey, that's not actually a bad idea. I'll throw that out.
Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 8:44 pm
by Wally
Also before posting if you see a topic that is related to your problem (game name etc etc.)
REad the 1st page on so we dont have to keep repeating our selves
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2004 9:50 pm
by Wally
Also darren. I would suggest putting how to get tyrain\Jazz Jackrabbit to work on this FAQ as this is common,..
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:04 am
by lemon link
After unzipping..a message pops up
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT."The system file is not suitable for running MS-Dos and Microsoft windos Applications. Choose Close to terminate the application."
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:42 pm
by Wally
what game or file was it?
this has to be investigated
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:05 am
by Paulusje
I really want Death Rally, but i saw it wasn't on the disk on and the downloads don't work on my comp..
3,2 GHZ and 512 MB RAM and some great graphics card.
The game i Downloaded and installed starts, but if it starts you see some weird stuff and then it closes again.
thanx allready.
Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:33 pm
by MarchingHome
Death Rally... Sigh... Still having trouble with it myself... Someone plz come up with a solution...