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Do these games sound familiar?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:21 am
by SaltySugar
I've been trying to figure out the names of a few different games I've played years ago. However, I only remember tiny fragments, so if any of this seems even slightly familiar, let me know!

1) I think it was called something like 'Think Quick', but it wasn't the Carmen SanDeigo game. It was about some worm in a castle or something?

2) I think the name is something like "Quest"...the only part of the game I remember is using the arrows to walk the woman (my character) across a narrow, jagged cliff to the other side where awaits a castle. I only got there once without falling, but I remember there were a bunch of people inside the castle.

3)A dog and something to do with math- definitely considered an educational game. I played it in 5th grade.


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:50 pm
by Elign
#3 might be Amy's Fun 1-2-3

Re: Do these games sound familiar?

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 8:37 am
SaltySugar wrote:1) I think it was called something like 'Think Quick', but it wasn't the Carmen SanDeigo game. It was about some worm in a castle or something?
This Think Quick! game?