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Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:00 pm
by Glyde
NOTE: Just so you know, I've never written a review for a game. Ever. Go easy :P I might do one on X-Com some time, but sadly I haven't beaten it yet.


The sound in Xargon is pretty 'meh'. The music is the typical thing you'd expect from Epic, all this techno / classical stuff all rolled into one with random hoots and whistles (At least with my sound driver). Sadly, I can't get the actual sound to work, but the internal speaker sound is actually good for an internal speaker.
Sound gets a 6/10


At the time, the whole flashyness of this kind of game were good. There are a lot of animated background things, the character portraits look nifty, the monsters are unique (Giant green hands with legs). The sprites are pretty detailed. The only problem I have is that some of the scenery tiles get cut off and don't blend with the ones around them. Also, some of the platforms are just floating rectangles with a waterfall coming out from it.
It is a 2d Sidescroller BTW.
Graphics get a 7/10


The story is pretty simple. Basically, your character whose name has slipped my mind, M-something, is studying ruins in Madagascar. He accidently presses a button, dosen't notice, and continues his work on translating runes. Gass pours into the room and he goes unconcious. You wake up in a strange land, and meet an eagle named Silvertounge. He tells you to 'splode the evil Xargon who took over the land of the Blue Builders. You agree, and go off on a rampage with your laser that you seemingly got from no where (More on that later)
Story gets a 8/10 (I liked it when I was a kid, and I like it now. It's got that feel to it)


The controls are pretty iffy, but you get used to it. Basicly you run around jumping on platforms and shooting things with this laser. A laser that you start with and nothing explains it. At times you pick up extra laser shots that allow you to shot more lasers at a time for the duration of the level. You can also pick up rocks to throw (Really big ones) that bounce around and hit things. Also, you can pick up limited amounts of Fireballs, that speed along and blow up anything in their path. The monsters are pretty slick too. Giant troll things, robots, green hands, and more. You begin on a world map of sorts and walk around. When you goto a green X, you enter a level. When you walk to a book, it's a journal entry of the main character to keep you updated on the story. There is only one vehicle (as far as I've seen. I'm about 80% done episode 2), which is a submarine thing. Which also shoots lasers.
Gameplay gets 9/10

That's about it soooo Overall it's 8/10.

This is one of my favorite games of all time :) Please comment.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:27 pm
by Wally
Pretty good for a first review :)

If you could make it brief i will put it in the Dosgames compatability database

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:55 pm
by Glyde
Brief you say?

In Xargon, you play as the cool and muscular Malvineous Havershim, who was trasported into a world unknown. Armed with a laser and his wit, he goes off to find a way home. A very good game with some minor problems, but still worth a go.

I dunno if I can make things brief and keep it's full-ness. I hope that's good :S

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:46 am
by Wally
Good enough.

I guess i can release this in a future version of the dosgames compatability database. (With your user name as a tag)

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:59 am
by Frenkel
View all the images of Xargon here.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 7:34 am
by dr_st
I enjoyed Xargon. Played all three episodes. Don't remember much of it, except that the last level is somewhat challenging.