Cool Space fighting game

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Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:40 am

Cool Space fighting game

Post by Cryose »

Hey, I am looking for this great game from i think the early 90s. It is a space dogfighting game (2d). You and either a computer or another person fight against eachother in a space arena with planets and all. The the planets have a gravitational pull. So if you get close to them they will pull you in and you will crash :no:

Some of the ships i can remember are the UFO looking thing (unaffected by gravity), and a human ship (i think it is big and yellow), and for its weapon it just sends out lots of little guys(fighters?) and they shoot the enemy.

Also, i 'think' that each ship has a crew of like 100 or something, and when you get damage, your crew starts to go down, and when you run out of a crew, you die. (I am not sure if that is a part of it, or if it was just in a dream :sleep: )

um... what else can i remember about this game.... all i know is that it has a wierd name :huh:

If anyone can tell me what this game is i would be forever grateful!

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Joined: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:30 am

Post by Vraag »

Name is Star Control, damn neat game! I still have SC3 around somewhere. Too bad they didn't make more. The campaign was also superb!
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:40 am

Post by Cryose »

Thats awsome! I checked it out and it IS Star Control! It seems i played the first one (demo i assume). I never knew it was such a big game series.


Though, i cannot find it :(

I want to play it, where is it? No demo to download? (For the first Star Control)

Anyways, Thats awsome, your awsome, thanks for the reply!

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