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XP users: Dosgames Compatability Database

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 6:10 pm
by Wally

This is my database with many 'How-To Fix' information.

You may download this for free.

Please post things that need to be added here

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:33 pm
by Dogbreath
Um, almost all of the entries say "dosbox" or "none"... you should probably try and add cycle info for each one, etc. If you're just going to put "dosbox" for each entry you might as well just make a post that says "USE DOSBOX!" and be done with it.

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:37 pm
by Wally
No Dogbreath..

I dont do the DOSBOX post anymore
so shhh

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:41 pm
by Dogbreath
I'm not talking about posts, I'm talking about the database you made... :rolleyes:

(Why is it Wally is the only one who can't understand me when I write in plain English? *sigh*)

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2004 10:54 pm
by Thunderdog
Hey! Where's the cream filling?


Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:47 am
Dogbreath wrote:Um, almost all of the entries say "dosbox" or "none"... you should probably try and add cycle info for each one, etc. If you're just going to put "dosbox" for each entry you might as well just make a post that says "USE DOSBOX!" and be done with it.
To some extent what Dogbreath mentioned is true.

Actually your database could be improved a lot more but it requires a lot of effort.

For example,
1) If you state use dosbox, one would assume that they use the default configaration of dosbox and should have not problem. Otherwise, maybe some other additional setting required could be stated like how many cycles etc. Same goes with VDM sound.

2) There could be alternative solutions. For example, using mslow beside dosbox.

3) Just wanted to mention - for CD-Man (shareware version). Besides using dosbox to slowdown, you can use some kind of slowdown utility like mslow. However, a better solution is to get the full version at underdogs. The game itself comes with an auto-detect speed of the computer. If that doesn't work, within the game itself, there is a scrooling bar option to manually choose how fast you want it. Normally people would change it to very slow since most computers are very fast nowadays. There are also other kinds of problems people could experience but now's not the time to list everything here. :D

4) Just a comment about what was notice in some threads. Sometimes when a game doesn't work on an XP, it is not because of the Dos problem. It could be due to the person's sound card / graphics card or configaration. Funny how sometimes people like to blame the computer for being Windows XP when they cannot run a dos game. Quite often it may be due to the dos problem but not all the time. 2 such games that have users sometimes have problems occurring have nothing to do with what Windows version they are using to run it on:
- Prince of Persia
- Brix
I have tested them on almost all the platform and they could somehow get them to work fine (sound, graphics and others). The problems were more to configaration and other stuff. There were some other game like this. I don't know but maybe sometimes solutions like use dosbox come up because it is the fastest and easiest way to solve a problem.

If games that run well under dosbox using the default configaration, maybe it's not a bad idea to just say use dosbox as a quick fix. ;)

Then maybe a shortcut is to say:
What games work with Dosbox
What games work with VDMSound :D

Last but not least, just wanted to say, Wally it's a good effort coming up with a database. It may not be much but it could be improved to become a great database. ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:48 pm
by Wally
1) That was going into a later Version (When complete) :) For those who want to know 10000 cycles for most games is a sensible choice.

2) I only put one option in to prevent confusion

3)When i started DGF didnt support the underdogs. :P

4) True true

Thanks for the suggestions JKSM, one day this database will be completed. One Day... When my site goes up properly (screenshots all completed and some extra games) then i will continue with the database as requested :)

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:50 am
Wally*Won_Kenobie wrote:1) That was going into a later Version (When complete) :) For those who want to know 10000 cycles for most games is a sensible choice.
Good suggestion - most games work nicely at 10000 cycles although some function the same at the default 3000 cycles.
During the weekend, I have been testing some old dos games using dosbox, just for fun and wanted to share the following information. For those very old dos games that become very fast on newer computers, choose the lowest -> 500 cycles and the game runs at a very nice speed like on an old computer.