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Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:41 pm
by oldies
Yeah so there was this awesome game on my windows 95 PC, we're talking like 1995 here. So anyways, it was like this wonderful 256 bit color game, and it had like the worst graphics.

It was basically a game where you had these dinosaurs where you viewed them from above. You could control where they went and they'd eat either plants water or other dinosaurs, depending on species. Now the highlight of this game would be like this laboratory where you would start out in. I don’t remember quite what it was about, but I remember the dinosaurs having like Chrono - packs or something.

If anyone can connect to this vague memory, it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 12:59 pm
by Guest
okay, so I totally remember that game and my sister and I have been trying to figure out what the name of this game is for the longest time. If anyone can remember the name of it, that'd be super awesome....