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Old game of which I cannot remember the name!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 2:34 pm
by Hayes
It was for either the PC or Amiga, of that I am not entirely sure..

It was a 2d sidescrolling action game

You could transform between 4 different "Characters"!
A bowling ball, a waterdrop, a bouncy ball and a cloud. You had to solve different puzzles n' such, by switching around with these guys..

Anyone remember the name of that game? I really miss it :(

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:16 pm
by Hayes
Nevermind.. I have been looking for this game for what, around 2 weeks or so.. The name, at least..

ANd then just of a sudden it pops up in my head, and it's like 10 years since i last played it.. Weird, eh?

It's called "Morph" and was for the Amiga ( :( )

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 10:19 am
There is also a dos version called "Mega Morph". How do I know that? -> because I played it. :D

From your first post description, I recognised it immediately. Funny thing is that so far I haven't seen any publicity about it on the internet. It comes on a CD-ROM about 2MB or 4MB can't remember.

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:06 pm
by Guest
Lmfao! I did a google on "Mege Morph" and this was the first link:

Disgusting.. :S

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 3:14 pm
by Hayes
So, do you have it still? Is there any chance you might make an ISO or something and send it to me?

I looked around on google but with no results :(

My MSN mail is [email protected]

Or you could Mail it to me on my emailadress: [email protected], please? :D

This isnt considered abandonware btw, is it? If so, I am sorry, then just ignore my post..

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2004 8:23 pm
Hayes wrote:So, do you have it still? Is there any chance you might make an ISO or something and send it to me?

I looked around on google but with no results :(

My MSN mail is [email protected]

Or you could Mail it to me on my emailadress: [email protected], please? :D

This isnt considered abandonware btw, is it? If so, I am sorry, then just ignore my post..
Long time ago I ever did a search to find out what is the status of this game but couldn't any results so not surprising you couldn't find it too. Thus I don't know the status of it. Anyway, I could e-mail just a copy. Only thing I don't know if your mailbox would accept 2MB / 4MB in 1 email. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 4:10 pm
by Hayes
No worries, I have my own mailserver.. The only capacity on it, is the space of my HDD, which I sure hope can support 4 mb :laugh:

If you would, I'd owe you bigtime

It's [email protected] Thanks again! :D

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 9:01 am
Done, I have zipped it so it's only about 1.5MB. Enjoy. ;)
If you need help with the game, feel free to ask.

Just in case anyone is interested to know, there is also a version of the same game on Super Nintendo. It is called "Super Morph".