Very old Medieval/fantasy turn based game (desperate need)!!

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Very old Medieval/fantasy turn based game (desperate need)!!

Post by kilzo »

If anyone could supply me with just the name of this game, your a godsend and i'd help you or even pay you for just the name, because ive been looking all over the net for this for quite some time.

Well the game is this: very old game that only seemed to work on intel computers? (friend said something about it only working on intel or a certain type of computers). and it was where up to 8 (appox.) players could play, in which you would choose a color (race) and you would start up in a castle on a big map and you would have a knight and some castle guards, and it was turn based, one person would go, he could make soliders in his base and move them out a certain amount of steps (he would move slower in trees or mountains). he could go fight other players and the object was to take over all the other castles.

some random details: i know where that there was red, black, white, blue, red, and a few other colors. Green had the ablity to make archers, Red had Ax-men, Red could have dogs, and you could make boats in certain areas and in a certain amount of turns. You could get your knight and bring him to treasures and he could open them up.

Summerized/Basic setup: this game could have up to around 8 players which where all different colors and started off at their castles which where located in certain spots (red started there, black started here). It was turn-based (you moved your units a certain amount, could build/train soliders at your base and then press done and everyone else would move.) and it was medieval/fantasy which you would go around and fight other characters and try to take over castles.

Anyway, sorry :shifty: for all the details, but i really need to find the name of this game, id help return the favor/pay in any way possible.
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Post by Kamikazebowler »


Was it a DOS game or a WINDOWS game?

Perhaps you are searching for "Master of Magic"?

That is one of very few games, wich ran only on Intel CPU'S with VERY HIGH EMS / etc.!
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Post by Wally »

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Post by kilzo »

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OMG wally won kenobie you are a saint my good man. thank you for all your help, i found it. your a good man, to be able to figure out the game with that discription.

:cry: im so happy, thank you everyone.

[BTW: does anyone happen to know if this can be downloaded somewhere or is it protected?]
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