Finding a WW2? game

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Finding a WW2? game

Post by Shelob »

Greetings all, I have spend quite some hours lately searching many sites for an old game i used to play (and loved to play;))

I was hoping if someone could give me the name of the game or even better a place to download it from.

It was a WW2 game if not mistaken and you were playing with a plane that every time loaded of a ship. (already getting off and landing of that ship was hard). Your missions were mostly bombing japanese and shooting planes out of the air, and occasionally a ship had to be bombed with a torpedo.

It was 2 d, side view and well very addictive but pretty hard (atleast IMO).

You had three types of ammo, 1 torpedo 30 bombs and 10 rockets or something, you had to chose between one of them before taking off.

Does anyone have an idea about which game i am talking? :D
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John The Ax
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Post by John The Ax »

Darn. I remember something like that on the AIIe. Can't remember a name to save my life. Arrgh.
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Post by Guest »

Wings of Fury is the name, i found it finally, if now only i knew how to get of that darn ship :cry:

Post by Guest »

Shelob, Guest,

Did you find out how to take off the carrier?

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