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Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:36 am
by ildera
I loved APPLE panic but all I can find is bloody space panic. Anybody know of a simple working copy around?

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 12:17 pm
by emmzee
First of all, visit this site:

:laugh: Seriously, there is a download link below, and it was the first result for a Google search on "apple panic" (always search phrases using quotes around them) :)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:31 pm
by ildera
Actually I knew about this one.

I am a qualified librarian and I can reasonably search for stuff. :D

Unfortunatly that one, and many others that I have found, don't actually seem to work. That one says:

"Oops, there has been an error!

If you're reading this page, that means you are trying to get the game that IS up on this site, but somehow an error occurs."

etc... :Angry:

It goes on to say that it could be due to a stolen link, (not likely), the server is too busy, (well I HAVE tried it SEVERAL times)or that I am using "a proxy server that doesn't process our anti link-stealing script properly" (hmm)

Well whatever it is what I need is a tried and true version that works for me. :rolleyes: Thanks for trying though - your help is appreciated! :laugh:

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 3:56 am
I have just tried downloading the dos version of Apple Panic from underdogs and it works ;) maybe when you tried the server was busy.

That dos copy of the game also works under Xp but need a slowdown utility.

I prefer the original on the Apple II computer. My dad used to love playing it on the Apple II computer.

I took the sceenshots below using the different emulated Apple II computers.


Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 11:29 am
by ildera

It still doesn't work. Maybe I am doomed to be panicless

