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"GODS" on Intel 120Mhz...

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:13 am
by Jerome
I have a problem running GODS on my Intel 120Mhz DOS-Notebook.
Every time I start the game it hangs right at the command line and I have to restart the computer. I tried several different memory configurations - always the same result.

Specs are: 60/120 Mhz Intel, 32MB RAM, ~1GB HDD, DOS 6.22.

The game did run on a 1.2 Ghz machine with 256 MB RAM under DOS 6.22.

DOS box is no option for the notbook because the CPU is too slow.

Anybody have an idea what the problem could be and maybe how to solve it?

Maybe someone is running the game under DOS on a machine with similar speed and can send me their config.sys & autoexec.bat ?


Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 5:22 pm
by Wally
The machine you are trying to run this game on may be too slow...

If you try looking for specifications it might help

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 5:00 am
by Jerome
Weeeell, it's a game that requires minimum 80286/12, DOS 3, 1 640 KB RAM, so I find it strange that it's running on a fast PC, but not on a slow one when it also ran on a very slow 80386-SX... hmph.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 1:31 pm
by Frenkel
Have you installed your soundcard correctly in the game? I mean have you run Install.exe ?

It worked well on my 286 :) .