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help! 2-player board game

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 6:52 pm
by alanp

I used to play this game a lot (ok, i was young, let me off :) ), but I really can't remember the name, and if anyone can help me out I'd be reeeeaaally grateful! It was basically a 2-player (i think) dos board game, but in 3d. You either had the red balls or the blue balls, and whichever you were, you used a mouse to move one of your balls when it was your turn. The object was to destroy your opponent's balls, which you accomplished by merging your balls together, and then jumping on those of your opponent, so that his would either be engulfed in yours, or would explode, dependent on the relative sizes.

That's pretty much all I can remember (like I said, it was a while ago), so thanks for reading, and hopefully you'll have played it too and have a better memory than me. Cheers