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Looking for any RPG (Maybe Final Fantasy-ish)

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 4:31 pm
by Matozoide
I'm trying to find an RPG that fits the description in the subject for my old 486 with Win 3.1, could anyone help me find one?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 6:07 pm
by Dogbreath
Ever tried the old SSI AD&D Dark Sun World games? They're pretty decent and will definately work on your machine. You could also try the Wizardry series, On which almost every "platform style" RPG (including FF) was based. If that doesn't help (or I'm way off) please give me a couple more details on what kind of game you're looking for. Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 7:07 am
by Matozoide
Hmm, I looked around for Dark Sun, but apparently it needs like 7 floppies to install, I don't have enough floppies to do that, and it would be harsh on my other computer (the 486) with it's 250 MB HD space.It did look like a nice game though.As for wizardry, I was looking more for something in a top-down view, and not a 1st person dungeon crawl, I've played Wizardry 1 on an Apple Emulator and it was ok, but it's now what I'm looking for.Something top-down, inventory system, turn based fighting system similar to the FF series.I'm not sure if there's any games like this at all for the computer, so if you can't find any I'll understand.