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battle isle 2 windows xp

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 11:12 am
by HiQ
first of all: it runs by a friend of mine!!! so, i hope sometime by me too.

my problem:
i get the error message:
free dos memory: 307546
dos: need min memory 310000

i know, that there is a max. memory of about 640kb for dos.
"mem" shows me, that i have 576kb free for programs.

so, why gives the game the message that only 307kb are free????
are there possibly some drivers loaded???
in my config.nt is nothing listed... except of "himem" and "dos=high,umb"

so, is there anyone with an idea?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:00 pm
by Interon
The game may load a separate module before it loads itself, so I infer you may need more than 576 KB of DOS memory.

To do this, right click on the game's EXE file, click Properties, select the Memory tab, under Conventional memory, select Total: 640. Click OK, then double click on the game's EXE file.

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:10 am
by HiQ
I`ve already tried all possibilities that exist in the memory tab and all other tabs under properties. the result is unfortunately always the same :-(

is there perhaps a possibility to watch, what is loaded from the exe file?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 5:35 pm
by Interon
Go to Start -> Run -> CMD -> OK

You're in a DOS window. Go to the game folder, run the game, when it kicks you out, type MEM again while in the same DOS window.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 11:10 am
by HiQ
first, thanks for your answers.
ok, here is, what the game and "mem" says:

if i run battle2.exe the message is:
free dos mem: 308032
qvl dos buf size: 57344
run time kernel started.
dos: need min 310000 bytes.
dos: need min 310000 bytes.
dos: need min 310000 bytes.
error: 0 - no memory.

and mem in the same window:
655360 bytes complete conventional memory
655360 bytes for ms-dos available
576208 maximum size for executable program

4194304 bytes complete expansionmemory (EMS)
4194304 bytes free expansionmemory (EMS)

8388608 bytes complete continous add-on memory
0 bytes continous add-on memory available
4045824 bytes xms-memory available
ms-dos is resident in upper memory (HMA)

thats all
its translated from german, so perhaps not all words (for example expansionmemory) are correct. but i think, you know what they mean.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:02 pm
by Guest
Get Dosbox and the tool boxer.Should help.