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Cart in labyrinth puzzle

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:14 am
by Andrey
I remember a DOS game where a user had many levels which were some sort of labyrinths of rails, the main character is a cart that goes through the labyrinth. First stage of each level was to set tools on the way of the cart: stoppers, bumpers, direction changers, umbrellas, etc. When all the tools are set the second stage begins: the cart starts moving along the rail and depending on the tool it will go different directions with different speed, get protection from fire, etc. A player just watches the second stage and cannot do anything. If the cart do not get to the end, the player can re-arrange the tools again. Any help, thanks.

Cart in labyrinth puzzle

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 8:30 am
by Rwolf
Some kind of Rube Goldberg machine? (5 in the list for DOS)

For PC I can only recall "The Incredible Machine".

Something similar is the "Bad Piggies" game in the "Angry Birds" franchise, but that is not for DOS.

Cart in labyrinth puzzle

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 2:06 am
by Andrey
Those are of similar concept. Thanks. I have seen them... May be there's something similar on the list. I will look through it. Thank you!