Farm game ca. 2010 [Youda Farmer]
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2022 1:04 pm
Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me find this old game I've been looking for. So it was around 2010 I think that I would have played this game. It was online and free. I remember it was a farm-based game where when you clicked play you were able to pick a colour for your truck and I think it was one of those olden day farm trucks. Anyway, you went around your farm collecting items like eggs and milk and you would follow the truck down the paths to get to places. and then you could go to the town, once you were done, to sell your goods and you would follow the truck over this bridge and then stop off at different points to sell the things. Sorry if this is very vague, I'd be happy to answer any questions but I don't remember much I just remember I loved it!!!