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Fantasy 1st person action RPG

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 4:04 am
by Praetor25
Hello,looking for 1st person fantasy action rpg/action.
All I can say about is that I played probably a demo around the year 2000-2003 on the school computer. It was in german,I think, and the menu was centered with golden title, probably.
The demo starts in an empty village,atmosphere was dark. There was not much to do in the village. In the houses you can find poor loot like bow,few arrows, health potion,maybe some letter. Next to the village,on the right side, was castle entrance. We got in,then to the catacombs or cellar area where we allways got killed by the spider. We didnt understand the game well because of language.
Went through everything and still cant find it. But the atmosphere was so great! Thanks for help,if someone is familiar with the game.

Fantasy 1st person action RPG

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:13 am
by MrFlibble
The description does not sound familiar but you can look in this list: ... ist-games/

Fantasy 1st person action RPG

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 3:55 am
by Praetor25
Thank you, went through the list, but seems nothing fits it. As I remember the begining, the vilage was dark, maybe there was a rain and everything looks abandoned, maybe raided. I remember, that we have difficulties to make any progress. We allways found took everything of use in the village and then there was nothing else to do, except entering the castle or castle catacombs. There were some monsters, definitely spider, always to strong. And also we soon faced the lack of arrows.

Fantasy 1st person action RPG

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 2:31 pm
by MrFlibble
Could it have been the freeware German game called Desperabis?

Here's a video with some gameplay:

The beginning of the second episode (not shown in the video) seems similar to what you describe.