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Turn-battle card game from Arcadetown

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:59 pm
by Tavelynn
So i remember playing a video game from Arcadetown, i don't remember the name, but it featured a card, turn-battle system. It had 3 elements, water, fire and nature, alongside a neutral "element". Each of the cards had their background based on the color of the element (Blue, Red, Green, and Yellow for neutral). You had siren, crocodiles and perhaps sharks for water, a succubus for Fire, and zombie and treant for nature. A sound would be made when you attacked with them. For ex, the siren would laugh, the zombie would make a zombie sound, etc. I remember the menu featuring a library with some people in it. You also had a map from where u chose levels.
So to put it short, it was a card battle, or turn-battle game, with different elements. Downloaded it from arcadetown, but now the site is down.

Turn-battle card game from Arcadetown

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:18 am
by MrFlibble