Year: I played it back in 2009-2012
About the Game: The characters are these circle fighters (shape of a pacman), there are different types of fighters (Sword, Sniper, Healer, Releasing spikes on the air fighter, builder). There are also square walls made from different materials. The game layout consist of 2 teams (You vs a bot) these characters are placed on a moving wagon that hits the other team. You build and strategize where u place these fighter and walls, there is also the heart of the wagon which needs to be protected, this heart shaped like a pirate steering wheel. There are rounds, each round more fighters are unlocked, more budget to buy these fighter and also the difficulty of the enemy increases.
As for the origins of this game, all I can say is its either from Japan, Korea or China as I remember seeing characters I don't understand.
Korean/Chinese/Japanese 2d battling game
Korean/Chinese/Japanese 2d battling game
bump still looking for the game
Korean/Chinese/Japanese 2d battling game
bump still searching