V3 Racing Wheel
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:06 pm
Yesterday I received an email from someone looking for help with a racing wheel, I wasn't sure what to tell them but figured someone here might have suggestions. Here's their message:
They are located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Any suggestions?I have a V3 racing wheel that says: Works with DOS and Windows games, I have older and newer computer and have older windows ie win95, 98 etc. However I need a platform for this and was told that it has to be a windows games. Do you have any reasonable priced one for sale that will be compatible with what I have. I need to set this up,, or refer me to a site. I am 79 years old and by using this racing game, it will help me reduce the effects of any arthritis and also will sharpen my reaction time. Thanks for your reply.