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Amusement park edutainment game for Windows

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 9:51 pm
by xlordkarnagex
Don't remember too much about it, but something about you were trying to make a train move along some tracks and in order to do so you would have to do a whole bunch of minigames. You would board the train and have to move up the aisle completing various tasks until you could open the door and enter the next cabin.
You were almost certainly in some sort of amusement park. I want to say it was by a book company like scholastic or highlights for kids.
If i Remember correctly you were trying to collect pieces of a large puzzle on the main map.
The minigames weren't overly hard, but there was a ton of them and there was everything from matching boats to creating some sort of potion in a mad scientists lab and something about a guy going in a haunted house and you had to assist him. I think there were a few that involved basic math and picking up garbage or something? i forget.
It was a late 90's game but not 2000's the closest thing i could compare it to visual and graphics wise would be something like say magic school bus human body. Maybe not quite that graphically advanced with the cutscenes, but fairly close otherwise. Pretty sure it had voices and soundblaster support as well.
I know its not exactly a dos game, but it must have been for windows 95, 98 or possibly early early windows.

I was never able to beat the game because it wanted you to do like 5 events in a row and there was one that had you matching sailboats and there was like 40 of them on screen that all looked nearly identical, and if you lost that event, you'd get sent back.

Anyone know what one i'm talking about? I would like to go back and complete it.
I'm trying to find it now.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:42 am
by Quadko
I don't have any guesses, but MobyGames has a list of around 200 train games, might be on there:

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:51 pm
by xlordkarnagex
Quadko wrote:I don't have any guesses, but MobyGames has a list of around 200 train games, might be on there:
It wasnt like a train simulator. You just had to board the train to progress.
It was morr like a series of minigames.
From the main menu you had a puzzle at the top with like some mountains or something and the there was a small train on some tracks. I believe in the bottom left of that screen was where you would access the game.
If i recall correctly when you boarded the train to unlock puzzle parts and possibly new minigames you were like looking down the aisle of it and there was seats on both sides with windows. You couldnt turn or anything i dont think but at the end of the aisle you had a big upside down u shaped door possibly with a round window in the middle of it.
I seem to recall that you got to to 5 or so minigames and you had limited "lives" since they had to be completed one after another and when you beat that set you would move forward some seats until you could get to the door.

As for what sort of minigames i dont recall for sure. Matching shapes and colors or giving a gardener tools simple math ome of them took place on a stage another in a tree or forest. Putting the correct words in sentences, another had you in a river for some reason a few had you in small towns or farms. Crap like that.
Think like mathblaster for dos but what i described for windows and somewhat cartoony.

I cant think of what its called for the life of me but i know it exists somewhere.

Im almost positive its an old highlights magazine game but the problem is they are still making those types of games and trying to google highlights video ganes is like trying to scoop apple juice out of water, its impossibly diluted and trying to results you everything but what you wanted.