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looking for an old ship like game

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 5:46 am
by chocorulz
this game i used to play around 5 years ago or so,
i forget the makers of the game,
the game was about this mans daughter "rick velosky" (spelling), i think her name was val,
and she is out to avenge him,
other details about the game are,
you are in a ship like Vehicle, and you kill other ships, im not so sure if they flew of what not,
but one thing i remember about the story line of the game, she has an accident, in which then she becomes half cyborg,
there was also a lot of dialogue to the game between characters,
one last thing i remember is there was a ship in the game named the hornet.

if you are able to tell me the name of this game, i will be in your debt,
i have been looking for this game for the last 4 years