I used to love this game. It's a turn-based stock market simulation game. I used to play it for hours with a good friend of mine that I've lost touch with. I'm feeling a little nostalgic, and would love some help tracking it down.
Here's some details (as I remember it):
Each person is represented by an ASCII character (I believe the @ symbol was one of them). On your turn, you had to move to one of the available stocks. Once there, you could either buy or sell stock, but only one action was allowed. Then the other person got their turn, and the market "adjusted" by some algorithm I'm sure is now laughable
Anyway, if this strikes a chord with anyone, and you know where I could download/buy a copy, you're my hero...
Looking for old stock market game called Exchange
I forgot one thing...
It may very well not be called Exchange. It could exist under another name - I just vaguely recall the name being Exchange due to the .EXE name you'd run from the DOS prompt...