How I got a multi floppy install to work

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How I got a multi floppy install to work

Post by GamerFan »

It was a bit tedious, but it worked. Here's how:
I created a directory for the contents of each floppy, eg Game01, Game02, Game03, ... and I created an empty directory named Game.

I "mount a c:\dosGames\Game" to point to the empty Dir.
Then from another Dos window, I renamed Game to Game99 and renamed the first Game floppy directory (Game01) to Game: "Rename Game01 Game" and then switched back to the DoxBox and typed CTRL-F4 to refresh the diskcaching on A. A "Dir" on a shows the correct contents.

I then start the install. When the installer asks for another floppy, I go back to the Dos window, renamed the current Game dir to the original Game## and then renamed the next floppy dir to Game. I then clicked on the DosBox window and pressed CTRL-F4 again. Then I told the install to continue.

I did this for every floppy in the game until it reached the end.

The game installed and ran-W00t!
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Thank you!

Post by tienkhoanguyen »

Being a developer using DOSBox 0.74 for so long I am not really that smart about all the options!!
God, Cheezits and Rice, is number one!hehe
Cheezits and Rice!hehe
Bless Cheezits and Rice!
Then please bless my mom.
Honour to my mom Huong Thi Vu
Honour to my dad Thuy Binh Nguyen
Love to cousin Carl Anh Cuong Cao Vu
Thank you Cheezits and Rice.
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