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Looking for an old Amiga game...

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 1:58 pm
by Core_12
I'm looking for a very old game that I originally played with Amiga. I'm not sure if that game is for PC anyway... :(

The game's cool. You're a mouse. The levels are the size of the whole screen. Your objective was to collect all objects, depending from the level. In one level, you had to collect gold fish bowls (forgive me my bad english, I mean the glassy round thing you put your pet fish into), and there was somekind of green monster walking at the bottom of the screen. One level had some flying eggs (fried) and sausages.
I'm anxious to find it, so please if you even know the game and have played it yourself let me know.

Actually I'm looking for another Amiga game too, but I remember not enough to describe it. You're a ball which you control, and you try to roll the levels thru.

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 9:10 pm
by wardrich
well, your second request sounds A LOT like Marble Madness. Not sure about the first one tho.

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2003 4:12 am
by Core_12
The mouse game was awesome... It had at least a hundred of levels, and with each havinh it's own enemies and things to collect. In one level, you had to jump on balloons. In one level, there was a red boxing fist thing coming out of the wall trying to hit you. If I only could remember...