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Reach For the Stars

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 4:49 am
by Athughes
I've recently found RFTS - I thought it was lost! Anyhow, whe i've mounted it in dosbox, andattempt to run it, the program direects me to run setup. I've doner that but each time (after saving changes and quitting - F1) it continues to give me the same error - - "error when opening setup file" Please run setup. I'm in a loop. Can you help?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:32 am
by dosraider
Realy gonna need some details to be able to help you.

Original game? Downloaded?
Dosbox version?
Mount lines?
Setup inputs/choices?
Mounts/inputs to run game?

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 9:18 am
by Quadko
I've definitely run it in dosbox, so issue is likely something with the way you've got it setup or are running it, or maybe it's just a corrupted file.

There were two versions, the original Dos version and a Windows 9x remake. Of course that second won't run in dosbox... Just doublechecking. :)

If you can give us dosraider's requested details and anything else you can think of, maybe I can dig up my working setup and we can compare.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:21 pm
by Quadko
Here is my RFTS (dos) directory. In dosbox 0.74 (latest), I mount this as c: and run rfts.exe. No problems.

Code: Select all

      12,204 CGA.PCX
      53,400 EGA.PCX
       1,792 HGC.FNT
      21,353 HGC.PCX
     150,197 reachstar.pdf
         231 README.BAT
       2,773 README.DOC
       1,136 README1.DOC
       1,116 README2.DOC
         519 README3.DOC
     153,055 RFTS.EXE
          31 RFTS.INI
      26,971 SETUP.EXE
          18 SOUND.BAT
The reachstar.pdf file says it's from Home of the Underdogs and is the manual.