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Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox [Win7]
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:10 pm
by Lisa
I had an XP computer when I first got Advanced Civilization and I found the instructions for running it in DOSBox online somewhere. No idea where, now. I have a Windows 7 computer now, and I'm running into difficulties.
I have DOSBox 0.74 installed and as far as I know it's working. I have the Advanced Civilization CD transformed into an iso file in the folder C:\DOSGames.
When I start up DOSBox, my leftover notes say to type this:
mount c c:\DOSGames
imgmount d c:\DOSGames\A_Civ_CD.iso -t iso
cd Adv_Civ
That used to work, either typed separately or in the autoexe section. Now it doesn't, but the problem may be folders since I neglected to record how to set it up. The first three lines work fine. "cd Adv_Civ" works if I have an Adv_Civ subfolder in DOSGames. The last line produces an error message saying "Illegal Command: ADVCIVIL". ADVCIVIL.exe and ADVCIVIL.iso also kick back illegal command errors.
I have the iso file copied under three different names (A_Civ_CD, Adv_Civ, ADVCIVIL) in both the DOSGames and Adv_Civ folders, but that doesn't seem to help.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Do I need different file names, or different commands, or what? I read the "Dosbox and Windows 7 [Howto]" thread, but the mounting part seems to work fine. It's getting the file to run that seems to be the problem.
My knowledge of DOS is superficial, since this game is all I've ever used it for. The DOSBox README file goes over my head. The Wiki didn't help me either.
Re: Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:46 pm
by dosraider
Lisa wrote:
When I start up DOSBox, my leftover notes say to type this:
mount c c:\DOSGames
imgmount d c:\DOSGames\A_Civ_CD.iso -t iso
cd Adv_Civ
Lisa wrote:
I read the "Dosbox and Windows 7 [Howto]" thread, but the mounting part seems to work fine.
If you read the win7 howto you should know those mount lines won't work in Win7. Period.
Start over from scratch.
Start over and
follow the Win7 howto, it has been written for a reason, Win7 is muich too protective towards anything on C:\ root, XP times are long gone .......
-> Delete that Adv_Civ folder.
-> Rename that A_Civ_CD.iso to
-> Put it in c:\users\your name\isos\
-> Your correct mount line then will be:
imgmount d "c:\users\your name\isos\acivcd.iso" -t cdrom
If you use dosbox only for advciv you can put that line in dosbox config under [autoexec], will be automounted every time you launch dosbox.
Install game from D to C
in dosbox
Re: Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:04 pm
by Guest
dosraider wrote:If you read the win7 howto you should know those mount lines won't work in Win7. Period.
Start over from scratch.
Start over and follow the Win7 howto, it has been written for a reason, Win7 is muich too protective towards anything on C:\ root, XP times are long gone .......
-> Delete that Adv_Civ folder.
-> Rename that A_Civ_CD.iso to acivcd.iso
-> Put it in c:\users\your name\isos\
-> Your correct mount line then will be:
imgmount d "c:\users\your name\isos\acivcd.iso" -t cdrom
If you use dosbox only for advciv you can put that line in dosbox config under [autoexec], will be automounted every time you launch dosbox.
Install game from D to C in dosbox
Okay, so the tutorial was the only way, not just the suggested way. Sorry.
I followed the Win7 tutorial and your instructions. The imgmount line got it installed and mounted in D. How do I install the game from D to C in dosbox? The command "cd acivcd" gets an error that it's unable to change to acivcd. "acivcd", "acivcd.iso", and "acivcd.exe" are still illegal commands. So is "install" and "install.exe".
Re: Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:45 pm
by MrFlibble
Anonymous wrote:The imgmount line got it installed and mounted in D. How do I install the game from D to C in dosbox? The command "cd acivcd" gets an error that it's unable to change to acivcd. "acivcd", "acivcd.iso", and "acivcd.exe" are still illegal commands. So is "install" and "install.exe".
Once you have mounted the ISO as a CD-ROM drive inside DOSBox, just change to it by typing D: (if it's the drive letter of the mounted ISO) in the command prompt. Then I guess type install, if INSTALL.EXE is the installer programme.
Re: Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:43 pm
by Lisa
Thank you, I have the game running now.
I'm running into a mouse problem, though. When the DOS screen is small, the mouse works fine. When I hit Alt+Enter to make it fullscreen, the mouse stops working until I make it small again. Ctrl+F10 doesn't fix the problem. I've tried shutting down and restarting DOSBox. I also tried using the touchpad instead of the USB optical mouse. Neither worked. Turning off the touchpad doesn't fix the mouse either.
I downloaded and tried to run cutemouse, but it says that the program isn't compatible with my version of Windows (I have Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit). Can anyone suggest anything else I could try to fix this?
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:17 pm
by dosraider
Glad to hear you got the game running.
Cutemouse must be ran in dosbox, not in Windows.
So put the cutemouse files in your virtual C folder, start dosbox and run it
ctmouse in there from C: prompt.
There are some settings you could try in dosbox conf to get better results, but it's kinda error and trial and rarely works. (autolock=true/false .... etcetera)
However, it's possible that it won't help much, laptops have a bad allround compability due to altered/own sysdrivers.
For example: Sometimes you need to disable all own keyb/mouse drivers and enable default windrivers to get external ones to work .... sad thing.
... and mouse in civ/adv civ are hard to get to work, even on real MsDos PCs. Were always a pain in the ar*e.
But if it works fine in a window, why not simply stretch the dosbox window? That way at least you keep the correct 4:3 ratio. And honestly, most dosgames look/feel horrific on full screen (wide screen), looks much better with the for dos usual 4:3 ratio.
Adapt the settigs in dosbox config under [sdl]
Something as:
'Output' must be set to ddraw, surface won't work.
'1024x768' can be anything with 4:3 valid ratio, adapt to fit your screen for best results.
Should you screw something up there is always the 'reset' dosbox start menu item to euuuuurrgghh reset things to default.
If you reset options you will of course need to add your mount lines again.
To be complete, some valid 4:3 ratio dosbox window resolutions:
up to 6400x4800 (HUXGA)
Re: Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:58 am
by MrFlibble
Lisa wrote:I'm running into a mouse problem, though. When the DOS screen is small, the mouse works fine. When I hit Alt+Enter to make it fullscreen, the mouse stops working until I make it small again.
I've noticed that in some cases, the left mouse button will stop responding when going from windowed mode into fullscreen in DOSBox. The solution to this is to click the
right mouse button, after which the LMB resets to normal. At least, it works for me.
Re: Running Advanced Civilization in DOSBox
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:26 pm
by Guest
MrFlibble wrote:Lisa wrote:I'm running into a mouse problem, though. When the DOS screen is small, the mouse works fine. When I hit Alt+Enter to make it fullscreen, the mouse stops working until I make it small again.
I've noticed that in some cases, the left mouse button will stop responding when going from windowed mode into fullscreen in DOSBox. The solution to this is to click the
right mouse button, after which the LMB resets to normal. At least, it works for me.
Unfortunately, this didn't work for me. Maybe because I have a left-handed mouse; I didn't try changing it to see what would happen. But changing the screen size did; now it's big enough I can see what I'm doing. Thanks dosraider!
Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:36 am
by dosraider
You're welcome. Glad we could help.