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Old game similar to Return Fire [Seek and Destroy]

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 9:47 am
by MaxRavenclaw
I've been searching the net recently for an old game I was playing when I was a kid. The closest thing I found that resembled it most was Return Fire, but after downloading it and playing it for a while, it just didn't feel right.

As I said, it closely resembled Return Fire (the first one):
- Eagle Eye perspective (Isometric?) / you could see the unit you controled from above.
- 2D
- Could control a tank or helicopter (not a jeep or Missile launcher)
- The tank could drop what I think were either mines or time bombs.
- You could buy reinforcements, one of which was a calling in air fighters to take out enemy helicopters.
- the chopper could crash on top of the enemy and destroy them
- Enemy tanks and turrets could be disarmed but not destroyed if enough damage was dealt. I remember taking pity on the poor disarmed tanks, but the game wanted me to destroy everything to move on.
- I don't remember having to aim down or up when firing, like in RF.
- Both the tank and heli were green, or camo green.
- I remember that some maps were desert and some tundra...

And that's about all I remember about the game. I really liked it, so any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:12 am
by dosraider
Playable are heli and tank ....
... but it's topdown, not isometric.......

Fire Power?
Tanks yes, don't remember if heli was playable ...
....but you can drop landmines ......

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:58 pm
by AshyRaccoon

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:14 pm
by MaxRavenclaw
Actually, if I think again, it WAS top down.
Sarge and Fire Power are too old.
I think that Seek and Destroy just might be the one.
I'll try to get it somewhere to check.

Thank you for the help. I appreciate it a lot!

EDIT: Yeah... the only version I have doesn't work on a 64 bit Windows 7 OS (obviously)... Now I only have to learn how to use DoSbox

EDIT: Done and done. I had to disable sound, but I got it to work, and it's definitely Seek and Destroy. Thank both of you very much for your help :bday: