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I need help to Free up Memory on old DOS PC for game Aces

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:36 pm
by Guest

I want to Play Aces over the Pacific and Aces Over Europe .

But these games WONT run , cause I need to FREE-UP some EMS and XMS Memory on my PC . Problem is I don't know how ???

I have tried to create a Boot-disk for this very problem, but it wont start my Game, and states that I dont have enough memory ..

I am using an old Pentium I 200 MMX . 16 Megs of Ram

I have a ATI Mach 64 Videocard

I have a SoundBlaster 16 .

I am using Freedos 7.0 .

Can someone help me with this ?

Apparently I need a memory manager . I have found Jemmx but it is Chinese to me .

Anyhow .. Can someone give me a hand or just give me a run down on what i need to do .

If needed I can type up my autoexec.bat and config.sys

Thanks in advance


Re: I need help to Free up Memory on old DOS PC for game Ace

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 11:57 pm
by dosraider
Anonymous wrote:If needed I can type up my autoexec.bat and config.sys
Hello, yep, gonna need those files.
Simply save them as txt file ( ev on a floppy) and copy/paste them here.

You probably have set emm386 or equivalent as none in config.sys, needs some additional comm line options to allow expanded memory allocation, those games needs expanded memory.

Should be something as device=c:\fdos\bin\emm386.exe -emm=2000

Also: Jemmx is pretty good, but not 100% backwards comp with some older games to replace emm386, I don't know if Aces will work with or accept jemmx as exp mem manager. No idea. Simplest is to work with the (older) emm386.exe.

Also²: Whilst Freedos is a good OS, it's also not 100% compatible with some dosgames, as the MsDos code is still protected they had to use some workarounds, so some calls/instructions can't work in Freedos (alas I must say).
For gaming on an older compy you're much better with MsDos 6.22.

Also³: whilst one of the most interesting features of Freedos is the ability to work with FAT32 several dosgames won't be able to read/write on your HD, as they only can work with FAT16 HDs.

Et more tech blah blah ... comes to: gaming on an older PC should be done on MsDos, not Freedos, how good Freedos is, it ain't MsDos for gaming purposes.
Personally I use Freedos only for applics, never for gaming, too much problems with gaming.

Another also: for problems with Freedos you should post on a Freedos forum.