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Guy on Ship

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:46 am
by johnsee
All I remember of it was you are a guy on a ship... you are extremelly dumb and you are walking around trying to get off. This ship isn't that big, it is all outside and it is 2d. It is the sort of game where you would get gunpowder... put the gunpowder somewhere etc etc. IT ISNT MONKEY ISLAND. At the start you fall from the sky. The screen scrolls with you as you walk.
I know that isn't a great description :|

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:39 am
by wardrich
That would be Goblins 1.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2003 4:57 pm
by Dogbreath
Island of Dr. Brain?

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 3:31 pm
by wardrich
Nope, im 99.99% sure that this is Goblins I.
