A space game

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A space game

Post by kirila007 »

There is another game, it is not that old but it is from around the year 2000 or so, my friend used to play it, it was a space game (In space :rolleyes: ) and basically you take over planets and you can build in different planets, when you fight someone it basically goes to a different screen and you have all of your spaceships and the enemies spaceships (You go from the left, he goes from the right, or vise versa) and you fight until you destroy all of the enemy spaceships or they get away, i remember there were like long spaceships, circle spaceships (Kinda fat) and big spaceships, and most of them were shooting missiles (Or that is at least what i remember), when someone attacks your planet your buildings get destroyed, that is as much as i remember, i wish i could remember more, but it was a great game.

Thank you.

Post by kirila007 »

A small bump, hopefully someone will be able to find this game for me :shame:
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Post by Wally »

Just a guess.. Spaceward Ho! ?
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Post by Streaks »

Supremacy? There's no left-right maneuvering, and I can't remember missiles. You train armies and take over planets and buy ships and utility ships like planet formatters and food cultivators...
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Masa El he'Avar
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Post by Masa El he'Avar »

Assuming you got the year wrong, it could be one of the Master of Orion games.
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