I'm looking for game... there is some details:
*i think this game was createt in 90's
*you are fat guy with blue clothes that have hat with propeller and slingshot
*i remember at the begining there was explosion and some ghosts(?) scattered over america
*i remember that was platform game but i dont remember that there was all time platform, i remember one map that there was shark on bottom, ladders, you know just platform game, i remember also you can shoot your slingshot but not sure
Please help me maybe you know which game i mean and you know title... if you dont know title but you know game write more details and i will remind more...
I'm looking for an old game title... [=Arcade America]
- Masa El he'Avar
- Game Finder
- Posts: 112
- Joined: Thu Apr 07, 2011 1:11 pm
- Location: Israel
dos version
does anyone know where I can download/purchase a dos version? unfortunately I'm stuck with Vista and can't get the windows version to work. any ideas?