-You open the game and a classic main menu appears with Options, Exit to DOS and Play. If you hit play, you can chose from one or two players mod.
The game starts. here is a picture how it is like
You are a tiny something at the frame of the game (solid black line) and the goal is to enclose as much areas as you can. You do this by holding down Space button. But during this, you are exposed to dangers: the various enemies and in every 4th level a Boss is trying to catch you. You have some lives I think 3, so you have 3 shots to complete the levels. The background is like a pictures of a theme. For example in level 7 the enemies are spiders and the background is a yellow-brown picture of a drawn spider. I also happen to know that the game used to freeze at this level.
If anyone can help me finding this, I would apreciate it!