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DOS adventure game, CGA/EGA, horror

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:06 pm
by Magic
I'm looking for an old PC DOS game from a demo/shareware disk (definitely not for windows), which was on 1 floppy (720 KB I think). I don't know the name (maybe "Python" ? but that may be completely wrong).
It is old, I played it when I played Kings Quest 1-4.

It's an adventure game with CGA or maybe EGA graphics (in the PC era with Intel 80286, 10 Mhz), you start with the title screen showing the entrance to some manor.

It was definitely a horror game with good atmosphere and scary screens (all 2D, nothing in 3D). You could not do much, except clicking from room to room and sometimes interact with objects. You could not see your own avatar, like in Kings Quest, Indy, Space Quest ...
The manor is deserted, you find a dead body in one room, you can walk through the house into the garden. The game is hard, you can die and the game is over instantly. No save option!

It was not something famous like Maniac Mansion, Alone in the dark ....

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:34 pm
by wardrich
<img src=" ... ess_11.png">

Last Half of Darkness, maybe? Though it does have save/load, you may not have had it configured properly to save/load thus making you think it didn't have that option.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:07 am
by Magic
Sorry, no. As far as I remember there were no on screen controls like in the screenshot you posted. I'm quite sure that the most of the screen was used for the current scene.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:49 pm
by wardrich
<img src=" ... ited_3.png">
The Uninvited?


<img src=" ... gate_2.gif">

**Note that these games are WAY better on the NES

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:42 pm
by dosraider
The game description and more specific the dead one kinda sounds to me as Déja vu. ... comes-true

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:38 pm
by wardrich
dosraider wrote:The game description and more specific the dead one kinda sounds to me as Déja vu. ... comes-true
Lol, the only game of the like that I didn't mention :P

I forgot you could take a cab to visit different houses... though I'm not sure if you were able to go in the backyard of any of them.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:38 pm
by Magic
hmm, no. :( The graphics style was very different from "The uninvited" and there were no on screen controls and things like an inventory.

The gfx were more fuzzy no sharp edges.

It may be that the game was from a french company. The language of the game was definitely english.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:38 pm
by wardrich
Can you do your best to whip up an MSPaint drawing of what you remember? Save it as a jpeg and upload to or equivalent if you need somewhere to host the image.

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:05 am
by Magic
The graphic of that shadowgate screenshot comes near, the GFX of the game above is very different in comparison the game I'm looking for.

I only remember 3 screens:

The title screen shows the manor entrance, I think a gate and the house in the background.

One of the first screens (if the version I played was not some shareware version that started in the middle of the game!) showed a dead body lying in the background, the screens were all very dark and atmospheric.

The last screen I remember was the garden with a well, that has little or no water in it. You can climb down and then you're surrounded by darkness. If you don't do the right thing here (by entering text like in Space Quest) you die instantly.

old DOS adventure game, CGA/EGA, horror type, name unknown

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 2:52 pm
by anmattos
Magic wrote: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:06 pm I'm looking for an old PC DOS game from a demo/shareware disk (definitely not for windows), which was on 1 floppy (720 KB I think). I don't know the name (maybe "Python" ? but that may be completely wrong).
It is old, I played it when I played Kings Quest 1-4.

It's an adventure game with CGA or maybe EGA graphics (in the PC era with Intel 80286, 10 Mhz), you start with the title screen showing the entrance to some manor.

It was definitely a horror game with good atmosphere and scary screens (all 2D, nothing in 3D). You could not do much, except clicking from room to room and sometimes interact with objects. You could not see your own avatar, like in Kings Quest, Indy, Space Quest ...
The manor is deserted, you find a dead body in one room, you can walk through the house into the garden. The game is hard, you can die and the game is over instantly. No save option!

It was not something famous like Maniac Mansion, Alone in the dark ....
I'm looking for that game too. Did you find it?

DOS adventure game, CGA/EGA, horror

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:50 pm
by anmattos
Anyone could help find that game?

DOS adventure game, CGA/EGA, horror

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:54 am
by Swiftcutter
Or something like it?

DOS adventure game, CGA/EGA, horror

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 4:05 pm
by anmattos
Swiftcutter wrote: Fri Jun 10, 2022 11:54 am Transylvania?
Or something like it?


It is not. Is was very similar to Last Half of Darkness in theme and fell, but as far as I remember there were no menus on the sides. The graphics were simpler and ocuppied the whole screen...

I would guess that it is actually Last Half of Darkness but rendered in CGA mode, but infortunately I could not find this version anywhere. The graph would be more like Transylvania...