Very old top-down space battle simulation
Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:56 am
I already posted about this game back in 2007, but didn't ever get a very good answer. I still might now, but I was looking through my Forums links, found this, and decided "eh, it couldn't hurt to give it another try, now that it's two and a half years later". And this time, rather than trying to overload with information, I'll just give what I can definitely remember.
The story was set maybe 300-ish years in the future, soon after humans acquired the ability to leave the solar system and travel to other star systems. They find only two alien races, both humanoid if I recall correctly, who are sentient but haven't acquired space travel. Humans give the aliens their technology because they feel it will improve the lives of the races. However, decades later, after both alien races had expanded and colonized several solar systems of their own, the three races declare war on each other.
This was a very old game, such that it didn't have much color (either a few colors or just blue and white, can't remember which), and it came out before Windows 95. It might have been a shareware game.
The game was in top-down perspective, played only on a screen that displayed various simple icons of space ships and missiles. You were able to direct where your own ships should move or fire through a system of orders, selecting the order then clicking where it should go. Each ship had a set number of power units, and you were able to divert power to various systems, such as weapons and engines. You were never able to build ships or train soldiers like in 4X games. Instead, you were given different scenarios to select, which gave you a short little background story of what the current conflict is and what you had to do to win. You could sometimes control star bases which were like large, well-defended, stationary ships, but you could not move off-screen.
As you can see, it's pretty vague (and I doubt the game was that popular to begin with, but I can definitely tell you what game it's NOT, based on other forums: Star Control, Supremacy/Overlord, Masters of Orion, Space Quest, Space Invaders, or Star Legion. I've played, tested out, or looked at screenshots from all those games, and none match up.
Feel free to suggest another game, or perhaps better yet, ask a question on some detail of the game. I'll see what I can remember about that if you do. :-)
The story was set maybe 300-ish years in the future, soon after humans acquired the ability to leave the solar system and travel to other star systems. They find only two alien races, both humanoid if I recall correctly, who are sentient but haven't acquired space travel. Humans give the aliens their technology because they feel it will improve the lives of the races. However, decades later, after both alien races had expanded and colonized several solar systems of their own, the three races declare war on each other.
This was a very old game, such that it didn't have much color (either a few colors or just blue and white, can't remember which), and it came out before Windows 95. It might have been a shareware game.
The game was in top-down perspective, played only on a screen that displayed various simple icons of space ships and missiles. You were able to direct where your own ships should move or fire through a system of orders, selecting the order then clicking where it should go. Each ship had a set number of power units, and you were able to divert power to various systems, such as weapons and engines. You were never able to build ships or train soldiers like in 4X games. Instead, you were given different scenarios to select, which gave you a short little background story of what the current conflict is and what you had to do to win. You could sometimes control star bases which were like large, well-defended, stationary ships, but you could not move off-screen.
As you can see, it's pretty vague (and I doubt the game was that popular to begin with, but I can definitely tell you what game it's NOT, based on other forums: Star Control, Supremacy/Overlord, Masters of Orion, Space Quest, Space Invaders, or Star Legion. I've played, tested out, or looked at screenshots from all those games, and none match up.
Feel free to suggest another game, or perhaps better yet, ask a question on some detail of the game. I'll see what I can remember about that if you do. :-)