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Looking for an old space game

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:32 am
by The Guest
I have searched the internet for over a year looking for an old space game I first played back around 1996. It was really simple even for back then so there is a good chance it was made as far back as the early to mid 80’s, but honestly I do not know. All I need is the title (and if I am lucky where I can get/buy it) if anyone knows what it is based on the following description:

The game was set in space, where the player would see a number of stars on the screen, if I remember correctly before starting the game you could pick just how many stars there were. I do not remember any other sub screens that you would go to, perhaps pop up windows telling you results of battles but I do not think the battles were played out. Each star had a solar system in which you could build factories (or something to that effect, might have been actual planets in which you build your units on). You start out controlling one solar system. The purpose of the game was to take control of the entire universe. The game was turn based and supported multi player (I don’t know if it supported it over a network, when I played we took turns at the same computer). There were a few basic units you could build and use, they were, missiles, defenses, warships, stealth ships and factories (or again could have been planets or something, was basically a unit to help increase your build rate). The missiles had the fastest speed and could attack another solar system across the map in only a few turns. Warships were your strongest fighter ships which you could use to attack other solar systems, bomb factories (planets) and scout out other solar systems, but they were also the slowest unit. When scouting with warships they would be seen by the owner of the solar system being scouted so they knew who you were and where your ships came from. Stealth ships were the best scouts, as while they would be seen, the enemy did not know whose ships they were, or where they came from. Stealth ships could also be used to attack, but were not as strong as warships. The defenses I remember really liking a lot, they were simply short range missiles that would blow up any attackers. But the best part about them was the radar. After you build so many you gained a radar that would spot incoming attacks or scouts. The more defenses you had the larger of an area you could monitor for movement.

I do not remember there being resources in the game, I think everything was built on a speed (number of turns) which was based on how many factories (planets) that you had in that solar system.

Also I believe there was a population happiness rating in the game that also affected the build speed of units. If I remember correctly after taking over a new system if you had bombed them into the stone age they were mad at you, where as if you were able to take over with little resistance they would be more happy and easier to please.

Thanks in advance.

The Guest.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:21 am
by Wally
Spaceward Ho! ?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:50 am
by The Guest
Wally*Won_Kenobie wrote:Spaceward Ho! ?
I did a google and wiki search of the game Spaceward Ho! looking for screen shots or any other information. The game looks somewhat similar, however it seems more "advanced" (the game I am looking for does not have ship design options). Also that game seems to use images to show who owns what solar system, the game I am looking for did not. Part of the game was trying to figure out just where the other player was aka scouting.

Thanks for the input, but Spaceward Ho! does not seem to be it...on the right track however!

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:26 am
by dosraider
The Guest wrote:The game looks somewhat similar, however it seems more "advanced" ..
Do you know there are two of them?
One from 1996: ... or-windows

But also a more basic one from 1992:

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:12 am
by Dogbreath
Master of Orion? It sounds like that, or possibly a MOO clone. Another possible game is Warpath. (which first came out in 1994, and is "simple" like you describe. It's actually still being developed, though) -MOO -every 4x game on Mobygames. (most likely on there)

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:51 pm
by Aummadour
The Guest is now known as Aummadour...

Thanks for all the relpys so quickly everyone! Decided to register and become a member.

It seems that a MOO mod seems to be the most logicial choice right now as for how simple the game play was. Also I don't remember there being any cinimatics (did i spell that right?) in the game at all. I looked over all of these games you all posted but it's not the one I am looking for, but a big thanks for the replys so far.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:48 am
by roblob
Could it be either Stars! or VGA Planets?

Both are multiplayer space strategy games, but I think you could run Stars! as a local game too.

For the life of me I can't seem to find any screens from Stars!, but it looked a bit like a crossover from an excel sheet and a star map.

VGA Planets ( seems to be still somewhat alive. Oh how I used to play that one... the good old days with a 28Kb modem. *sigh*