Jet pack by Apogee

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Jet pack by Apogee

Post by Quirk »

Im looking for a game witch i played a long time a go i believe it was called Jetpack and i have a suspition that it was created by Apogee (im not talking about another Apogee game called haloween harry that has been refered to as jetpack) this game involved a single room per level im witch you flew around avoiding robots getting crystals of podiums and then returning to a large door this game was released at around the same time as crystal caves and duke nukem 1 im hoping that people are still accesing this forum and can tell me where to get this game.
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Moloral Compass
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Post by abyss »

Jetpac and jetpack are different games and jetpack was made by apogee. click on the link near the top and download a free legal download of jetpac and see if that's the game your looking for first and your description sounds like jetpac.
<i>Formerly known as Hulk Hogan.</i>

Post by Quirk »

I had to red that three times before i understtod you never the less oyur right i found the game i wanted (jetpack) thanks youve convinced me to join this forum ill be back some time
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Post by Frenkel »

abyss wrote:jetpack was made by apogee.
No, it wasn't.
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Moloral Compass
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Post by abyss »

Their are two different games jetpac and jetpack and jetpack was made by apogee and jetpac wasn't.

Edit: I made a mistake jetpac was the game made by ultimate play the game/rare and jetpack is the game where you can make levels and you go through the big doors and both games are not made by apogee. I was thinking of jumpman lives which is made by apogee. Way too many games in the world.
<i>Formerly known as Hulk Hogan.</i>
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Post by Larry Laffer »

abyss wrote:Way too many games in the world.
And way too little time to play'em all! :D
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.

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Post by Quirk »

yeah your right niether game was made by apogee i made a mistake but hay i was about 7 at the time
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