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Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:50 am
by dosraider
Gamer_V wrote:PATAT! Niks friet.
Met PINDASAUS zeker?
WALGELIJK bwèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèrk
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 6:20 am
by Gamer_V
Pindasaus? Yeargh. Waar zie je me wel voor aan?
Mayonaise ftw!
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 8:21 am
by dosraider
Mijn oudste zijn vriendin is Nederlandse, die smeert OVERAL pindasaus op.
Ik ken nog Nederlanders die overal pindasaus opsmeren.
Dus dacht ik Nederlanders<=>Pindasaus.
Leve mayo, en nog beter: fu*king pickles.
Mijn exuses.
For the non-Dutch speakers:
It's about French fries and addons, nothing to see, move along.
PS GamertjeVincent: We maken hier wel een rommeltje van die topic.
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:49 am
by Gamer_V
Ja, maar de Nederlanders die jij kent wonen vast allemaal in Brabant en Limburg, dus grote kans dat het vermomde Belgen zijn.
And 'junk' is relative. At least we are using correct grammar and spelling. (HINT!)
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 9:55 am
by dosraider
Als het Belgen zouden zijn zouden het geen Nederlanders zijn ...
En ik woon in West-Vlaanderen.
Als ik Nederlanders zeg bedoel ik dus Nederlanders.
What's up with the spelling? Since when are the Dutch on that ?
TSM gonna love us discutting this way on a topic, pfffrt hell, it's a worthless topic anyway.
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 1:24 pm
by Gamer_V
Ik bedoelde eigenlijk dat ze besmet zijn door Belgie .. maar dat leek mij iets te onaardig. Maar ja, wat verwacht je van een land dat onafhankelijk wilde worden van Nederland.
And with the spelling I meant the Indr16 dude. Most people on msn and such are quite .. dumb, I agree. One time, I got called nerd over msn for using correct spelling. (ABN) That probably was one of the saddest moments in my life.
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:26 pm
by dosraider
Besmet ? Da's een echte goeie Gamer_V, eentje die ik kan apreciëren.
Moet ik zeker onthouden.
Eigenlijk wilden wij helemaal niet onafhankelijk worden van Nederland, maar jullie hebben ons gedwongen.
Die bitterballen en sojaburgers uit het muurtje waren er echt toch teveel aan, dat was de druppel die de emmer deed overlopen.
I agree that been call'd "nerd" using ABN must be frustrating, but hey, then there are many nerds around, certainly people my age whom likes to spell words entirely even on MSN.
See you later, Keesje .....
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:39 pm
by Gamer_V
The Truth About Belgium
Belgium didn't exist. It was an imaginary country originally invented by its so-called neighbouring states to be able to publicly fund undercover operations of the European State Police. Leftish liberals would have done anything to make you believe Belgium was indeed a real country. The imaginary ancestors of the Belgians are Pa Tat and Ma Yonaise, which explains their preference for French fries (Dutch: patat actually means radioactive blueberry). The country has largely been dutchified. Belgium now exists thanks to the auto-suggestion alteration phenomenon. It was created in order to function as a "backup france" in the likely event that France is destroyed.
See? It's on the internet! So it's
And (the real) wikipedia states there was a revolution, and not a ninty one.:
In August 1830, stirred by a performance of Auber's La Muette de Portici at the Brussels opera house La Monnaie (Dutch: De Munt), the Belgian Revolution broke out, and the country wrested its independence from the Dutch, aided by French intellectuals and French armed forces. The real political forces behind this were the Catholic clergy, which was against the protestant Dutch king, William I, and the equally strong liberals, who opposed the royal authoritarianism, and the fact that the Belgians were not represented proportionally in the national assemblies at all. At first, the Revolution was merely a call for greater autonomy, but due to the clumsy responses of the Dutch king to the problem, and his unwillingness to meet the demands of the revolutionaries, the Revolution quickly escalated into a fight for full independence.
Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 4:24 pm
by dosraider
Gamer_V wrote:The Truth About Belgium
... ... ... ...
See ? As I said, the "bitterballen en sojaburgers" did it.
It was really too much, we couldn't stand it anymore.