- ASUS P2B Intel 440BX Pentium-II / III Board
- Pentium III MMX 450MHz (M/450)
- 100 Mhz Bus, 512k Cache, AGP, Virus Protection
- 128MB 125Mhz SDRAM, 1.44k Panasonic Floppy
- Ultra-DMA 33MB/sec E-IDE PCI Controller
- 14.4GB IBM DeskStar GXP U-DMA Hard Drive
- 9ms 7,200 RPM 512Kb Cache 33MB/sec PIO-5
- Mid-Tower ATX Case 250Watt Power Supply
- ASUS V3400 TNT 16MB AGP Video-In / TV Out
- 19" Mitsubishi 0.25mm dp Flat Trinitron Monitor
- PnP N.I. SVGA TCO MRP-II 1600x1200 @ 75Hz
- Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live 256 Value
- ASUS 40x Ultra-Fast E-IDE CD-ROM 6MB/sec
- Cambridge 4Point Sound Speakers w/Subwoofer
- Logitech Internet Keyboard, Logitech Mouse Plus
- USRobotics 56.6k X2 v.90 PnP Fax/Modem/Voice
- Windows98 on CD+ Lotus Smart Suite Complete
Price: $3,995
Competition from a little company called "DELL" ... here's their "XPS 500":
- Pentium III Processor at 500MHz
- 128MB 100MHz Memory
- 512KB Integrated L2 Cache
- 17.2GB Ultra ATA Hard Drive
- 19" P990 Trinitron Monitor
- STB nVidia TNT 16MB 3D AGP Graphics Card
- 4.8X DVD-ROM Drive and Decoder Card
- Turtle Beach Montego II A3D 320V Sound
- Altec Lansing ADA-880 Dolby Digital Speakers w/Subwoofer
- 3Com USRobotics V.90 PCI WinModem
- Microsoft Windows 98
- MS Office 97 Small Business Edition w/Bookshelf with FREE Office 2000 Upgrade
Price: $4,359
Bonus: An article titled "Y2K Concerns May be Grave Indeed"