Actually, it never was banned from TV, it still shows. I dunno why whoever uploaded it said it was.
Why I posted it, though, isn't that it's just violent or inappropriate - that's easy to make - it's because it's very intelligently, well thought out perverted weirdness. It's hard to get to that depth of demented creepiness, and I applaud it as art even as I think it's horrible.
I really wonder if they still will be so happy with Obama in a year or 4, if they think he can change the world or solve all the problems overnight, it's gonna be a rude awakening.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
Aye, he spoke quite a bit about that in his victory speech. That he's just beginning to implement the programmes needed to restore the country's economic, social, and foreign relations problems. The Iraq war hasn't ended just because he was elected - it'll take a lot of work to do that.
OTOH, while I'm personally a conservative, I believe Obama has got his head on straight and his presidency will have a restorative effect on the USA, even if that effect is only truly felt 10-15 years from now.
I may hope so, because if we like it or not, the situation the USA is in now affects us all, and in a negative way. I would like for my children and grandchildren that the negative spiral (that's what we're in now) would be reversed. Poor economic times are a bad thing for everyone.
wardrich wrote:The contrasts in personalities will deliver some SERIOUS lulz. I can't wait.
hehehe, i got 19. i didnt think to put in handheld consoles
One time I had a Jack and coke and it had a lime in it, And I saw that the lime was floating. That's good news man. Next time I'm on a boat and it capsizes, I'll reach for a lime... I'll be water skiing without a life preserver and people'll say 'What the hell?' and I'll pull out a lime...and a lemon too. I'm saved by the buoyancy of citrus.