Searching for 3 old arcade games

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Searching for 3 old arcade games

Post by skazhy »

Hey guys!

I'm searching for 3 old arcade games. I played them really often when I was a kid (about 10 years ago), but I didn't know the names of the games, so I called them in my way ("the caveman", "boy and dog" etc). They all are side-scrolling arcade games. I don't remember the details, but will try to do my best remembering this stuff, cause I really want to check em out again!

#1: This is definetly the top thing in my wishlist. It might be the oldest game from these 3 too. The game starts near some house (a garage maybe), where you can pick up stuff. Then game goes on and you can go through night to a mansion. There were also plenty of dungeons there. Don't remember any of the villains, but I called main character "the pink panther", cause it looked somewhat like the one from cartoons. Also, at the beginning of the game there was a wall and if you pressed "S", some stairs appeared and you could cross it. There weren't some small levels, all of that (dungeons, on-land and the mansion at the end) was like one big level. No significant sound-effects (the default 8-bit of course) that i could remember.

#2: "The caveman" This game looks much like a super mario, but there is a caveman instead. Starting in jungle and going through lots of levels (there were some `winter` levels too and bonus levels where you were going through some huge junk foods). The start-up splash screen showed text `hey my game is still running in 2008` (the current year, that is).

#2: "The kid with the dog" The newest game of the three. The characters were boy and a dog. You could change with wich you are playing (the other would follow and annoy you). One of them had the ability to wrap in giant bubble so no villains could attack them. They were going through some woods or jungle.

Ok, these are the three. Thanks in advance, if you know something regarding these games ;)
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Post by Frenkel »

The first #2 is Prehistorik 2.
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Post by Wally »

#1 isn't super solvers midnight rescue is it...... (Pink Panther Music)

#2 is what frenkel said

#3 is another one of those super solvers games Mission T.H.I.N.K I believe

dosraider will add screenshots if you ask nicely (He always does :D xD)

Post by Guest »

Thanks, "Prehistorik 2" is what I was looking for :)

but those super solvers games aren't the ones.
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Post by Wally »

#1 could also be Maniac Mansion now that i think of it
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Post by wardrich »

99% sure it's not Maniac Mansion...
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Post by skazhy »

nop, its not maniac mansion. i checked out some screens, the gameplay looks like in leisure suit larry. but in the #1 its like in dangerous dave..
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Post by Icedragon »

Is 2 defently correct, cos I immediatly thought of Xargon.
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