Ok, I've looked all over the net trying to find this one, but I cant even figure out the company who made it so I can contact them. If anyone knows where I can find this game It would be greatly appriciated. Here's the info I have on it besides the name. BTW, Siege was the original...Siege: Dogs of War was the expansion.
1. This game was released in the early nineties....just guessing I'd say from 1990 to 1992.
2. Gameplay was set up like a real time strategy...just alot simpler. You had a bunch of groups to pick from. From different types of undead, to elves...there was a ton you could choose from. What made it great is you could make your own combinations.
3. You could play this game over a modem. I remember me and a buddy playing this over a blindingly fast 2400bps modem. Hey, that was smokin back then!
Anyways, any help you guys can give me on tracking this game down would be greatly appriciated! Thanks!