Well, it's been about a year since the first incarnation of Spacefans' epic thread, and I figured it was high time to continue it. Partly because I'm bored, but more because I want to see the ugly mugs of all these n00bs. Larry, Dosraider, Tinman, etc.
Some rules:
1. Photos must be appropriate for this context - no nudity/overt sexual positions. (*Thunderdog stops reading at this point*)
2. In the interest of keeping this thread from going off topic, there will be no more than 2 posts without a picture in a row. Any more will be mercilessly deleted/moved to another topic. It's not that hard to follow... just take another picture of yourself and put in in a post.
Anyway, my beautiful face:

(click on the picture if you want to see what I look like in really high definition)
Dogbreath, about to lay down the law with the B& hammer:
