Dogbreath wrote:Steve Chris wrote:
Yeah I guess so. The message it out there so I guess i should be happy. Thanks Dogbreath
And Mr.Worm... u can talk all you want about my movies and how u always hate them and how they suck. I post them in public and everyone has their own opinion and I totally respect that!
...but please do not talk to me about MY life and how I should get on with it. I kinda draw the line there. If you do indeed think you have to say something about me personally kindly share it with me through PM and not in public. Thank you.
I think you misunderstood his comment. He's not talking about your personal life. He's talking about whatever part of your life (artistic, professional?) is involved with the distribution of these movies. Seeing how this one has been seen by about 200,000 or so people (or more, I don't really know), I wouldn't call it personal. (and I don't think he meant it that way, either)
And actually, I pretty much agree with him on this. It was a good movie, people liked it, and it's time to move on to bigger and better projects. Maybe since it's popular, you could create a sequel? If something you made a couple years ago won the attention of a hundred thousand people and several gaming related websites, maybe with practise, you'll turn out something really spectacular that will make you famous, or at least help you professionally.
It's your own stuff, so do as you please!
Going off subject;
I want to point out, though, DGF is a community, not just an art appreciation board. We're all involved in each others lives to a certain extent. For a lot of people, that at least goes as far as reminiscing about games and helping one another run those games. For others, it's a lot deeper - I've met several people on these forums in real life, and have fairly deep friendships with others. You can come to expect fairly honest remarks among a group of friends, so don't be surprised when people offer you advice, it's meant well. Thanks!
My apologies to Mr.Worm. I was a bit angry while I posted my reply to his comment. At the time I felt he was saying "The movie's old and wasn't that great movie to begin with. Get a life!" Now that I read it again with a cool head I understand much better
To be quite frank I don't like this movie much either these days. I made this movie purely for this forum's enjoyment and a little something from my website (as I have done in the past) Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be labeled for it. When I went for my job interview in India and showed some of my Flash stuff I showed him this movie and the guy said immediately "Wait... I've seen this somewhere before. I think someone sent me a link to it. Did you make this?" I was absolutely shocked!
Recently a friend of mine said he saw it being played at Arena (an institute for teaching Flash, Photoshop etc.) He gave them my number and now people I don't know are calling me up and asking me how to make video game movies like the Mario one I did. The instructor there wants to meet me in person apparently.
To top it off I get these sob stories in emails and reviews (at Newgrounds) about how they lost their family to war and stuff. It is so depressing to read them. One kid sent me an email that his Father died in the war, one 11 year old said he lost his dad, his uncle, his brother etc. One guy is saying his friend is leaving for war in a week and if anything happens to him he won't be able to bear it. I want to reply to all of them but I don't know what to say.
I'm constantly asking myself it's just a damn sprite movie with a moral. WHY all this attention?? I really don't deserve it. Also this is NOT what I want to be famous for! I would MUCH rather be famous for something I drew originally or composed music for (like Crickey), but those things get thrown at my face, so I am forced to turn my attention towards this movie
I don't know whether to be grateful or ashamed at times really and now these Youtube versions that edit out the credits out have really pushed me I guess. It's like they're taking the one thing I have (sigh)
Anywayz you're right about the community too. I have grown quite attached with this forum over the years, infact it's the only one I still use.