Everytime i post a reply( that works fine ), it goes to a new page. This page gives me the choice to go back to the forum or view my reply. Well, befor i can even get the mouse to the link, it automaticly goes to the view option! I dont wanna go to there! I already know what it looks like!
well then your mouse is slow... because i have enough time to click...and some message boards dont have that options...so slow down your pc or somethin and shuddap!
That page has an auto refresh, it's supposed to wait a few seconds (I dunno exactly how many) and then automatically transfer you. I'm pretty sure it counts page loading time as part of the wait time, so if you have a slow net connection it may seem like it fowards you automatically ... (ie, if it waits say 5 seconds, and it takes 4 seconds for the page to load then you only get 1 second to click ...) I'll see about changing this so it doesn't automatically forward you, I don't think it should be too hard.
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