Let's see... about 5000 dos games and about 10000 wingames...
I've played all the creationns from Sierra, Lucas Arts, Blizzard,Apogee and Aklaim... Most from JarHead Games, ID Software, and a few Disney ones.
Oh and lots of online or unknown puplisher games
[REEDIT: GASP... I'm a complete and total Moron... I forgot EA Games and Microprose ]
This one's for you Gamer_V
Last edited by Larry Laffer on Fri Apr 21, 2006 4:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.
ModBot™ - Faster than the speed of spam!(and always taking it to where it belongs!)
Oh, lets see here. I think it must be about 50 DOS - games, and twice as much WIN - games at least.
I wonder Larry Laffer...IF you had played over 10.000 win games, you realy can't say that you finished eatch one of them, I mean lets say that one WIN - game take about 2 hour to finish, that would be 10.000 * 2 = 20.000 hour and that would be atleast 900 DAYS constantly computer- playing.
Actually, thast might not be impossible even if unlikely. Say, you played win games for ten years or something. You play say 5 hours 300 days a year that is 300*5*10=15000 hours. If you are a gamer extraordinaire as larry claims to be - five hours might be too little a day.
Anyway - I have no idea how many games I have played
My guess is about 100-200, not counting five minute testing
well I never said anything about completing those games... I meant I've played those games to a certain point(some of them yes I have completed) and a HUGE amount of them were online or mini-win games
MR. G: actualy I think I've spent about 2000 days of my life playing games
abyss wrote:I don't even know if starcraft 1 was a windows or dos games.
ModBot™ - Faster than the speed of spam!(and always taking it to where it belongs!)
Okej Larry Laffer that was a different view. I never daubt on you, but 900 days is a lot of time - 2½ year !! 2000 days of game playing??? that is 7 years !!
Maybe i was to eberressed to say that i have played over 50 DOS games because i told you that you spent to much time on your computer nad that wouldent be true, but i changed my mind and i would say that i'v played over, 500 DOS games
How many games have you finished is much more interesting: and no counting those damned flash things. The problem with the current question is 'Yay, I played internet backgammon once, and internet hearts twice, normal hearts again'.
Exaktly i totoaly agree with you Dosser. I coulden't say it better my self.
As you say it would be a much interesting thread to ask how many FINISHED game you have played....
Mr.Guimo wrote:Exaktly i totoaly agree with you Dosser. I coulden't say it better my self.
As you say it would be a much interesting thread to ask how many FINISHED game you have played....
You finished a game, and after that you played it again? Still a lot.