Do you know what game this is?!?!

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Do you know what game this is?!?!

Post by wondering »

Hey everyone...

about 8 years ago my dad used to play a game and i was wondering if anyone knew what is was called... The screens main color was green, it was about taking over planets then building troops and vechicles all done without any visual (like todays c&c).. it was sort of an advanced text based game, and after every turn it used to make this annoying sound like UR-OH, You used to play against the computer and take over the easier one first and build ore troops on his planets which are now yours and then defend your planets and then take over more etc....

Sorry about being quite vague but i cant remember much about it, as i was still young, if anyuone could find out / know what game i am on about i would be eternally grateful :D

Thank you
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King of the Carrot Flowers
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Post by Wally »

Ega Trek? I havent played it but im sure its something

Post by wondering »

thanks for the quick reply but sadly that isnt it :(, if anyone else has even a slightest clue tell me please :D


Post by cometin »

Well, I myself have also been haunted for some time looking for that game.

The closest my mind can get is to a name like Star War, or Star Fleet. And as you say, its a text asci game.

Esach planet had a specific ship building speed, and in your turn, you would program your moves (as many as you wanted), and depending on the distance of the planets, you cloud not see the results until a couple of roles later. This made it incredibly abstract, since you could abandon all planets and keep your fleet in transit, and your oponen will only know the situation of a planet when he arrived at it.

Loved the game... I hope someone has the program. I even remember typing the program from a magazine...

Post by cometin »

Look what I found:

Think this is it?

Galaxy is a superb fan-made remake of a classic Avalon Hill game of the same name, designed by Tom Cleaver and released for the Commodore Business Machine (CBM) 8000 in 1981. In this simpler precursor to SSG’s classic Reach for The Stars, you vie against computer players for control of the galaxy in traditional turn-based style. Victory goes to the empire with the most planets at the end of either a preset or random number of turns. The game uses a simple character based screen, requires all the strategy of chess, and just a little luck.
Each player starts with a home world and a number of ships. Each world has resources to produce a number of ships per turn. Once a fleet of ships is launched, it goes in to hyper space and can not be recalled – there is no communication until it reaches its destination. The gameplay is fun, albeit quite primitive compared to Reach for the Stars and subsequent 4X games. Well worth a look, though, especially as one of the true pioneers of the genre. Jay Wilt’s remake is very faithful to the original, thanks to the fact that the game actually shipped with the source codes, which allows Jay to port it from language to language, from machine to machine until the present day. Highly recommended!

If it is, Galaxy.exe from underdog
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