Game name help!!
Game name help!!
Hey I'd really like some help finding the name of a game that me and my brother have been racking our brains to remember; you built dinosaurs or raised them and i think played games, i used to play it when i was really little like 3-5 and i'm 18 now (timeframe), the game could have been older than that. I'd really appreciate the help!!
need help naming old games
The dinosaure game might be like themepark tycoon.
I would like to find the names of two games...
1. you were Igor and had to collect body parts to make frankenstein in a cetain amount of time
2. you ship wreck on island and you have to try to talk to a princes, you have a flute and you can trade stuff at a store...yeah
I would like to find the names of two games...
1. you were Igor and had to collect body parts to make frankenstein in a cetain amount of time
2. you ship wreck on island and you have to try to talk to a princes, you have a flute and you can trade stuff at a store...yeah