Game name help!!

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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Game name help!!

Post by KelKel »

Hey I'd really like some help finding the name of a game that me and my brother have been racking our brains to remember; you built dinosaurs or raised them and i think played games, i used to play it when i was really little like 3-5 and i'm 18 now (timeframe), the game could have been older than that. I'd really appreciate the help!!

need help naming old games

Post by sqwiggily »

The dinosaure game might be like themepark tycoon.

I would like to find the names of two games...
1. you were Igor and had to collect body parts to make frankenstein in a cetain amount of time
2. you ship wreck on island and you have to try to talk to a princes, you have a flute and you can trade stuff at a store...yeah
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