looking for old game accessory

Help locating old / Pre year 2000 games you used to play.
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looking for old game accessory

Post by bospqr »

I lent a game to a friend many years ago...you know the old story...books, tapes, and games...the game is Battle of Britain 1940 by lucasgames...i HAVE the game still...had backed it up on floppy...my problem is that this game had one of the first..."if you didn't buy it you can't play it" type of :safeguard" it was a cipher wheel that the writers made "part of the game" and after you loaded up your mission way pts..etc..it would ask you to authenticate a certain symbol with a number that you needed the wheel for....I do not have the wheel...my friend says "that was six years ago...how the hell am I supposed to remember..." (in the nicest way of course....great guy)...does ANYONE have the wheel to this great ww2 aircombat game?? I know it's a shot in the dark...also...anyone have a copy of the old castles or castles2 game...I have waaayyyy to much software from the good old days and perhaps we can help each other out. thanks

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